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Eco-friendly Battery Module Keeps Your Mobile Power Station Going On
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Today’s mobile power stations are becoming popular with an increasingly outdoor activity, such as camping, travel by bike or RV. You always be far away from electricity when you are on the trip, which is the main reason why you have to carry with portable power station, whereas, backup battery plays a vital role in portable power station, so choosing a proper storage battery for your power station seems like very important during travel.

As we known, the environmental problem is always the hot topic. North Americans buy over 4 billion batteries a year, and throw out about a third of them. Although batteries represent a small amount of the garbage that consumers discard, they represent about 80 percent of the mercury contamination. Batteries gradually break down in landfill sites and release heavy metals which can then leach into ground water. Burning them is no better, and maybe worse: if they are incinerated, the toxins are released into the atmosphere and then the mercury can contaminate the general environment. Obviously, choosing a kind of eco-friendly battery is more and more important.

EEMB Li-FePO4 battery module (12V 10Ah) is absolutely eco-friendly battery with no toxic heavy metals at all, the advantage of long cycle life will support you mobile power station charging your electronic devices for a long time when you are on the travel.

Tags :   Eco-friendly   Battery Module   

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