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What Will Drive Growth of Battery Energy Storage Systems?
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Recently however, the number of battery energy storage systems (BESS) used for stationary applications, both utility-scale and distributed, has started to grow significantly. The growth of stationary BESS is driven by positive developments in battery costs and regulatory frameworks. 
The key prerequisite for the widespread application of BESS is a decrease in the related costs over the lifetime of the battery, which can be mainly achieved by using abundant and cheap raw materials for electrodes, or by improving the production process to reach a more homogenous cell quality. Beside, BESS depend on favorable regulatory frameworks to a certain extent that authorities will see the value and incentivize its application accordingly. For example, homeowners who want to purchase a PV-storage can obtain a low-interest loan and subsidies from the government. 

Tags :   battery energy storage systems    BESS   

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