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Zero Net Energy Homes: Solar PV System is Important
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Zero net energy homes (ZNEH), a market that is just beginning to emerge, is generally defined as a building where the amount of energy produced onsite is equal to the amount of energy consumed annually. Building codes are evolving to require increased residential energy efficiency; onsite generation is proving useful in tackling grid load. Although still nascent, the market for ZNEH is expected to grow from 750 in 2015 to nearly 27,000 in 2025.

Using creative new building techniques and an impressive array of solar panels, this home takes advantage of the abundant sun to create as much energy as it uses. By combining traditional styling with ultra-cutting edge building concepts – in a popular modern community – this home is a ‘giant leap’ toward the dream of building mainstream solar homes. Builders incorporate the latest technologies to meet the increased energy efficiency standards, and to satisfy consumers seeking to significantly lower or eliminate their monthly energy bills and reduce their impact on the environment.

Tags :   Zero net energy homes   energy efficiency   grid load   solar homes   

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